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The Best time to visit Nassau Bahamas

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Any time of the year would be the best time to visit Nassau Bahamas but If I had to choose a time it would be during the Christmas Holidays. Visiting Nassau Bahamas during the summer months is also a good time. You get to enjoy the marvelous sunlight and our clean and pristine beaches during that time. But you can also do the same during the Christmas holidays. It is not cold at all so the beaches during the day are very calm and enjoyable. Temperatures are usually in the high seventies and lower eighties. Just like the summer month but sometimes with a little warm breeze.

Nassau is very busy during the Christmas holidays especially downtown Nassau. December 25 and January 1 of the following years’ are times in Nassau when the entire city comes to life because of our local festival called Junkanoo.

Thousands of residents and tourist alike flocks to downtown Nassau to attend this event. You have to be at this festival to experience the beat of the goatskin drums in your chest. When I say in your chest, I mean in your chest. For some strange reason when the goatskin drums are beating in unison you can feel the beat in your chest. The sound of the cowbells, whistles, and brass instruments played together produces a colorful and rich sound that will have you dancing unaware.

Junkanoo happens around 2 am on the day after Christmas which we call Boxing day and again during New Years’ day at the same time. No one sleeps in Nassau during this time. There are no barriers to the age of the persons that attend this event on Bay street downtown Nassau. People who have no transportation will travel on foot for miles just to attend this event.

Our Home at Christmas

Christmas Day at our home in Nassau is usually one of the best times for our family. All of our bedrooms are beautifully decorated with Christmas trees. We have at least five Christmas trees in our home beautifully decorated by my wife. All through our neighborhood you can sense the feeling of Christmas. Many homes are usually beautifully decorated on the outside with Christmas lights.

Preparations for our big Christmas dinner usually begin on Christmas eve with the sound of Christmas music in the background. Our turkey which is one of our mean dishes is seasoned to taste overnight by our son and is stored in the refrigerator for the seasoning to travel through the turkey. In the morning it is placed in the oven to bake for at least two to three hours. We usually include other Bahamian dishes like potato salad, stuffing, macaroni, peas and rice, and other common dishes along with our meal. A feast fit for a king.

What is Junkanoo?

Junkanoo is a colorful and energetic festival that happens twice a year in the Bahamas and also during minor events throughout the year. The term Junkanoo originated from a slave name John Canoe. He was known as a tribal African chief who insisted that he be allowed to celebrate with his people even in another land. The festival was created many years ago in the Bahamas by our descendants who were slaves living on a plantation in the Bahamas. Junkanoo was the highlight of the year celebrated during the Christmas holidays.

Our people love Junkanoo. Every year we look forward to this event. Covid 19 was the only event in history that caused Junkanoo not to be celebrated for over two years. In March 2022 Junkanoo returned with the visit of the royal couple the Duke and Dutches of Cambridge. Even though not directly out of Coved 19 Junkanoo came alive again as one of the events during the visit of the royals.

Places to stay in Nassau

Instead of a hotel when visiting Nassau Bahamas why not stay in an Air b and B on your next visit. Air B n B is beginning to take Nassau by storm. It is fast becoming the choice for accommodations when visiting Nassau in the Bahamas instead of the small hotel room.


In my opinion, the Christmas season is the best time to visit Nassau Bahamas. Summer is good as well but Christmas is better so you can enjoy our famous Junkanoo Parade.